I mostly write for myself. Content written here isn’t really for any audience.


When you are catching your last few breaths in your death bed, the ones who will be around you will not be your golfing buddies. They will be there an hour, maybe 2. It will not be your officemates nor your high school friends. It will be your spouse who has stayed with you all these decades. It will be your children who have been your source of joy for years. It will be your family who will be holding your hand in those last few moments on earth. With this in mind, guess who you should be investing your most precious moments with?


personal (28)   work (51)   essays (14)   napkin math (3)   ruby (2)  

Napkin Math

Having taken Tom Rath’s Strength’s Finder, I’ve come to accept that being strategic is one of my strengths. Part of me likes approximating and estimating ideas: