Something about 'hard work' and painting with watercolor

Elain, my brother and I painted with water-color a few weeks back.

(Rightmost is mine, Top is my brothers’, Left and Bottom are Elains’)

Back in May, Nate, me, Ryan and Joaquin painted with water-color as well. Joaquin wanted to paint some version of Hulk, Ryan tried to do this picture of a guy under a tree, Nate decided to paint a colorful street scene, but it’s not yet finished though.

I wanted to do ‘Wanderer above the sea of fog’

It’s an oil painting during the 1800’s by the German Romantic artist Caspar David Friedrich. and the fact that we were painting with watercolor..

It was ambitious, too ambitious.

The thing with painting with watercolor is that you need more patience than usual, like say, painting with acrylic. Water doesn’t usually go your way, so it ends up looking like nothing you expected it to be.

Working Sincerely

Everyone sees that one great painting, but no one gets to see the thousand others crumpled up in the trash.

The Zuckerberg’s in this world are over-glorified. By the way it’s not the “media’s” fault at all, they just want to earn more cash by putting up hot stories of teen-stars or young famous entrepreneurs because those are 'exciting stories’. The masses feel more excited to hear about 'big moments’ rather than 'boring stories’ like the one about your neighbor, who worked his way up for 10-20 years while doing his business on the side which eventually led to quitting his job for that business.

Actually, it’s as equally amazing.

A business that feeds his family, sends them to vacations, buys them a modest house, gets his children more opportunities in life like finishing college or allowing them to be free exploring the things that they want to do, all thanks to his dedication and commitment. In his own little way, even just a tiny bit, helped change the world for the better.

Either way, if you looked closely at both stories, most 'overnight success stories’ didn’t actually happen overnight. Study the others, those 'success stories’, but never compare yourself with them. Sincerely keep working enthusiastically on what you’re currently doing.

Working hard beats talent at any time.

That looks absolutely nothing like the Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog

I agree.

Maybe in time, I can at least do a more decent job with the 'Wanderer above the sea of fog’ in watercolor, if it’s ever possible. But hey, I actually enjoyed trying to paint it.